Tamano - > - Tamano starts for the ZRFV Kirchhellen -
V: Thronfolger, M: Carmeta, MV: Grando Voltaire
total win sum:1,011€
show jumping up to level L, participation at the Federal Championships
here with Michelle Wagner and Helena Epping, respectively.
Fotos: foto-job.com
"Tamano" mit seiner Reiterin/Besitzerin Saskia Heming beim Ponymeeting 2010 in Legden.
5 visitors (6 hits) today
Foto: foto-job.com
Twobits --> European championship 2010 - silver medal in the team classification military in Bishop Burton/Großbritannien. Foto: db-fotos.de
Delphin -> Foto: foto-job.com
Tamano ->